Why Fast Walkers Can Live 15 to 20 Years Longer Than Slow Walker - Health News

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Why Fast Walkers Can Live 15 to 20 Years Longer Than Slow Walker | Health News | Researchers say that a quick step is a good cardiovascular exercise, but it can also be an indicator of a person's overall health.

Taking a brisk walk may increase your chances of living longer, and it does not matter how much you weigh when you slip on your walking shoes, a new study suggests.

According to the researchers, the researchers monitored the walking habits and deaths of almost 475,000 people, most of whom were over 50 at the beginning of the study.

The researchers defined that the "fast walk" walked at least 3 miles per hour, or 100 steps per minute.

However, the pace of the march was reported by the participants, who were asked to indicate whether they were walking at a "slow pace", "constant / average pace" or "fast pace".

According to the study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, participants with an energetic walking rhythm had higher life expectancies in all BMI categories.

"Survival is the same for fast walkers for a wide range of body mass indexes, from 20 to 40," Dr. Francesco Zaccardi, a clinical epidemiologist at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom and the principal investigator, told Healthline. of the study.

"This result indicates that physical function is a stronger determinant of longevity than body mass index, and also people with high body mass index but with good physical condition can survive longer," he said.

Conversely, participants with slower steps had a shorter life expectancy in all BMI categories.

The researchers reported that women who walked the fastest had a lifetime of about 87 years, compared with the 72-year-old women who walked slowly.

The men who walked quickly had a lifespan of about 86 years, compared to 65 years of men who walked more slowly.

That is an average difference of 15 years for women and an average difference of 20 years for men.

"What this tells me is that if you are walking faster, you are doing a very low intensity cardio form and, if you do it on a regular basis, it will strengthen and condition your heart. So, whether you're overweight or in shape, fast walking has positive physical effects on your body and your life expectancy, "Jamie Hickey, certified personal trainer and nutritionist at Truism Fitness, told Healthline.

Walking Fast Can Prevent Obesity

The findings add to evidence suggesting that the cardiovascular physical condition may provide some protection against the health risks posed by excess weight or obesity.

"These findings are ... consistent with other studies that show that energetic walking can reduce the risk of cardiovascular events," Dr. Nieca Goldberg, cardiologist and medical director of the Joan H. Tisch Center for Health of the Americas, told Healthline. Women at NYU Langone Health.

Goldberg notes that while many people work toward the goal of 10,000 steps per day, that metric says nothing about speed.

People who are fit enough to walk so many steps at a moderate pace should try to accelerate the pace, he says.

But those who are sedentary are better off doing any kind of walking, even at a slow pace, Goldberg emphasizes.

The amount of time you spend walking should not be ignored, he adds.

"It's not just the intensity but the duration that counts," Goldberg said.

Zaccardi adds that the connection between fast walking and longevity may not be entirely due to physiological health.

"The behavior of walking ... can also be an indicator of the convergent effect of multiple factors, including non-physical factors (that is, psychological), which are also related to greater survival," he said.

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