The Power of the Pyramid System | Fitness | Hello guys I'm going to tell you about fitness the power of the pyramid system. So if you want to know about that. so read carefully and take enjoy. So lets start, Why do I say that it is the best and worst kept secret and what is the pyramidal system? It is the best kept secret, because most beginners are never told to use it. In fact, I believe that I am the only expert in physical conditioning that offers this secret from the beginning. On the other hand, it is the worst kept secret, because if you enter any gym, you will see all the bodybuilders that use that system, not a few, I repeat, all of them.
Now, please, do not press the little button x thinking, "Oh, she's talking about bodybuilding, I do not want to look like an ox, let me run." No. What I am saying is that bodybuilders use this principle because it is the most effective muscle, the most efficient in time. That is, you get the highest result for your time entry. What do I mean with the greatest result?
You are training to be tight and toned. The body is made up of skin, bone, fat, water and muscle. It is the muscle that gives the body the "tone" and its definition. Therefore, it needs muscle, even "mini muscle", but it needs muscle and the only way to model and sculpt the muscle is to work with weights in the correct way, using the pyramidal system.
Now that is the pyramidal system. In the pyramidal system, add weight to each set, starting with the lightest weight for your first set, an average weight for your second set and your heaviest weight for your third and final set. But repetitions are reduced to be able to cope with the weight. The light can be very light, like in a pound, the average can be only two pounds and the heavy one can be three. As the person gets stronger, he or she raises the overall weight. Let me give you an example.
- Set 1: 12 repetitions -1-pound dumbbells
- Set 2: 10 repetitions -2-pound dumbbells
- Set 3: 8 repetitions - 3-pound dumbbells.
Very soon, you would be using 2, 3 and 5 pound dumbbells, then 3, 5 and 8 pound dumbbells, and then5, 8 and 10 pound dumbbells and so on.
The psychology of the pyramid system is simple. You never get bored- and at the same time, you continually challenge your muscles. In the bargain, there is a natural stretch in the first set- so those people, myself for example, and almost every bodybuilder I know-who is too impatient to waste time stretching, get a natural stretch before each exercise. Of course, you could still do your normal stretches, but see the safeguard in the forced doing of one light set to start with!
But there’s more to the pyramid system than that. With this system, you’re better able to keep count of your sets. You rarely if ever lose count because the moving from one weight to another provides a natural counting system. In addition, with the pyramid system, you don’t dread rasing your weights when the weights become too easy, because you know only one of the sets will be raised. For example, say you are using 1,2 and 3 pound dumbbells. You know that now you will be using 2,3 and 5 pound dumbbells.
You’ve already handled 2’s and 3’s so why couldn’t you handle 5’s and for a mere 8 repetitions, of course you could. So you do the 5’s. Then a few weeks later, when the 3’s seem too easy, you think, I can raise to 8’s for my final set. I’ve already been doing the 3’s and 5’s with no problem. Why not do 8’s for a mere 8 repetitions. And so it goes. You keep raising you weights. Most of the women I’ve worked with are now up to 10, 12 and 15 and many are up to 12, 15 and 20. Men go higher of course. They usually start with 5, 8 and 10 and go up as high as well, the sky!
Before I end this discussion, I want to explain something. What I’ve described here as the pyramid system has come to be called that by bodybuilders over time- when actually it is technically the “modified” pyramid system. The “true” or “full” pyramid system requires an additional two sets to be done.
In other words, the true pyramid system looks like this:
- Set 1: 12 repetitions - 1-pound dumbbells
- Set 2: 10 repetitions -2 pound dumbbells
- Set 3: 8 repetitions - 3 pound dumbbells
- Set 4: 10 repetitions - 2 pound dumbbells
- Set 4: 12 repetitions - 1 pound dumbbells.
But the true pyramid system is used by body builders only for special purposes - which I will discuss with you in another article. For now, it is enough to say that when you hear a bodybuilder saying that he uses the pyramid system, he is talking about the person discussing the main part of this article. It is no longer called "modified".
Now you will be about a word and how heavy you are for body parts.
If you are just beginning, to keep your life simple, you should be very light and use only one weight for all parts of the body. But buy some weight ahead of time because you will be very strong. You can get the weight at very reasonable prices by calling around the exercise equipment store in the yellow pages. You can get them in 30 to 50 cents per pound! But as you know what you are doing, you will see that some parts of the body are stronger than others. We will talk about this in another article... soon.