Factors That Affect Muscular Strength

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Factors That Affect Muscular Strength | I am often asked why a person develops strength and muscles faster than another when he is doing the same practice and is following a similar power training program. Many people feel that they should do something wrong because they are not achieving the same results, muscular strength or muscle development as the same person. It is important to realize that there are six primary factors affecting the capacity of each person to achieve strength and muscular development, and we have little or no control over most of them.

Muscle Fiber Type

One of the most influential factors is muscle fiber type. We have two basic types of muscle fibers, which are often known as "slow twitch" and "fast twitch". Slow twitch muscle fibers are used best for heart (aerobic) activities. They produce small levels of force for a long time and thus are better suited for endurance activities. Fast twitch fiber is best used for anaerobic activities. They produce high level strength for a short time and are most suitable for power activities like weight lifting.

Most men and women have a similar combination of both slim twitch and sharp twitch fibers. However, some people get a high percentage of slow-moving fibers, which increase their performance in endurance activities, such as long distance runners. Most world-class marathon runners have a very high amount of slow fibers. World-class sprinters or soccer players, for example, are relatively quick twitch muscle fibers. Although both fiber-type training responds positively to strengthen the workout, they experience faster growth in the size and strength of the smooth type of muscular muscles, and thus more and / or faster results from a power training program.

The Age

Another factor which we have little control over is age. Studies show that people of all ages can increase the size and strength of their muscles as a result of a safe and effective power training program. However, the rate of increase of strength and muscle is more than the age of 10-20 years, the rapid growth and development year. After reaching normal physical maturation, muscle improvement usually does not happen quickly.


Gender does not affect the quality of our muscles, but affects the amount. Although tissues of men and women are equally similar, men tend to have more muscle tissues than women, because the size of the muscles increases due to the presence of testosterone, male sex hormone. The larger the muscles, the stronger the person; This is the reason that most men are stronger than most women.

Limb And Muscle Length

The factor of another force, which is naturally determined, is the length of the limb. People with small organs are able to lift more weight due to beneficial levitation factors (hands and feet). Similarly, due to variation in the length of the muscles, there can be a difference in the development of strength. Some people have muscles longer, and some people have muscle mass. Individuals with relatively long muscle have more capacity to develop size and strength than comparatively less muscular ones.

Point Of Tendon Insertion

The muscular power also affects the point of tendon insertion. For example, let's assume that both Jim and John's arms and muscles have the same length. However, Jim's biceps add to his front part with his elbow joint compared to Tendon John. From this, Jim has biomedical benefits: he is able to lift more than John in biceps commerce such as Biceps Curl.

Other Important Factors

All these factors affect our ability to achieve strength and muscular growth through training. However, keep in mind that the most effective factor in achieving good results is the use of a very slow controlled lifting movement and to lift at the point of muscle fatigue.

In addition to using good lifting techniques, it is absolutely essential that you not only train with intensely on a well-balanced program, but provide adequate rest to your muscles between training sessions. Overtraining is a common mistake that people do; This not only occurs when you do not allow your muscles to rest adequately, but even when you do lots of sets and exercises for each muscle group.

Another mistake that people are doing, they are doing the same program repeatedly even after reaching a plateau. Whenever you stop 1) strength or muscle size or 2) get bored, then it is important that you change the program, so that you can pass through the whole new phase of new results.

We inherit most of these factors affecting our parents, and they have a big impact on our size, power and presence.

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