Diseases That Could Wipe Out Humanity Which Is Subject Of Concern

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Diseases That Could Wipe Out Humanity | According to the UN estimates, approximately 7.3 billion people live on earth, and this figure is estimated to be around 10 billion by 2050. All those people should have a place to live and eat. And this means that there has been a rapidly growing global pace of growth in urbanization, population migration, and the conversion of natural habitats for agricultural land - and perhaps it will accelerate.
They are scary trends, from the view of the virologists and others who study human disease.

"The ability to emerge for new pathogens is very good," says Amanda MacLealand, a senior vice president of the "Prevention of epidemic" team to save nonprofit resolutions. McClelland says that urbanization and climate change are almost certain drivers of novel diseases or a recurrence of infection which once were well contained. And there is only that he and other public health officials can predict and it can be an outbreak. She says, "There is a lot of work going on in the matter of prediction from where it can come, but one thing we know is that the virus makes us wonder," she says. "Our models tell us where to look, but I'm sure something will happen that we can not prepare."

Other specialists share their concerns.

  • Add global changes in the way people live and travel, and many new health concerns are on the horizon.

"Habitat destruction and the loss of biodiversity can often favor the types of species responsible for the outbreaks of infectious disease," says Richard Oustfeld, a senior scientific scientist at the Carey Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Ostfald explains that converting wild land into food-producing people and "cutting the forests slightly" scares the big predators and allows small animals - rats, rats and other forests to grow. "They are species that disturb dangerous pathogens," he says.

Add global changes in the way people live and travel, and many new health concerns are on the horizon. Here are eight who can emerge in the very near future.

Antibiotic Resistant E-Coli

For decades, experts have been warning about the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Lance Price, a professor and founder director of Antibiotic Resistance Action Center at the Millennium Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University, says, "The problem is largely misuse and misuse of antibiotics in animal production and human medicine." "We know that the more we use antibiotics, the more resistant bacteria will emerge."

The value says that lawmakers and regulators have worked slow to implement safeguards - either for economic reasons or because it was estimated that some new antibiotic drugs would be developed. He says that it is foolishness. "There is probably no infinite number of compounds that can kill bacteria in particular and can not kill us, but even if there were, the drug companies are getting out of business to develop antibiotic because there To make a lot of money, people take drugs every day for life, not drugs, you take it every three to 10 days, "he says.

It is not a question of whether new antibiotic-resistant bacteria will emerge or not. They are already here "Thirty-three thousand people died from untimely infection last year," the price says. "When we meet new bacteria that are resistant to all our antibiotics, the ability to shoot that number increases." He e Coli and staphylococcus are mentioned as two types of infectious bacteria that can jump. He said, "I do not think we are going to see such bacteria that annihilate civilization." "But before antibiotics, many people died of minor infections."

Asian Longhorn Tick Disease

As the geographical boundaries of Tick and population density continue to increase in climate change and land development, Ostfeld says that new tick-borne diseases will emerge - in recent years to say no to the blast in the cases of lime disease. He explains that recently the Asian Longhorn tick was discovered in New Jersey, and at least in Asia - it ticks and transmits a malignant viral pathogen. "We do not know how it got here, but we know it's been here for years," he says.

Although it is a fatal pathogen that has not yet come to the North American population, Ostfeld says that if he does not get up soon, he will be "surprised". Even if it is not, then they say, the specialists who avoid the investigation of the test tick on the pathogens - many of which can suddenly emerge or together with others to create new or fatal diseases. "We have a powder," he says ticks. "There is very dry fuel, so the new pathogens are going to be outbreak."

Ancient Viruses from Arctic Permafrost

The polar ice fragments of the earth are given great attention, but most of the attention is on the rising sea level. If a long-lost virus - Arctic Parmaprost - Remains is locked for Milenia, it can change in a hurry. Researchers have already changed the DNA of 30,000-year-old "giant" virus into Siberian ice. Explains Chantell Eberle, director of the Structural and Genomic Information Laboratory and Research of France, "The special environments such as deep sea sediments and parmafrost are very good preservatives of microbes and viruses because they are in cold, toxic and dark." That Siberia study.

The pertinent questions are where and when this will happen, and how horrific the fallout will be.

While the vast virus Abergel and his colleagues found that it is not a threat to people, they say that their conclusions are evidence that microbes with the ability to create "planet-wide epidemics" are preserved in the ancient layers of Arctic ice. can be done. "Every year, superficial permafrost layers are melt and release buried microorganisms," and this process is growing rapidly, says Abergel. Mining and drilling operations are also bringing people in contact with these melting parmafrost areas. "This is a good recipe for disaster," he warns.

V.R. Gaming Addiction

There is often a good line between recreation and addiction. But since 2013, when the American Psychiatric Association acknowledged "Internet gaming disorder" that the investigation of a situation has increased, more and more researchers are playing alarm about the negative consequences of gaming addiction - in particular Between men

A recent review study by the University of British Columbia found that, unlike some popular misconceptions, the majority of gamers have more than 18. It has also been found in the study that there are all signs of addiction in gaming - including growth, tolerance, crawling and withdrawal and it is accompanied by negative consequences (such as loss of job or relationships) associated with other harmful addictive substances. Research has also added heavy gaming to mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression. There is widespread speculation that, as virtual reality (V.R.) technology these games will skyrocket more immortal and "real," gaming addiction and its attendant losses.

A New Mosquito-Borne Virus

Professor Jonathan Day of the University of Florida at the University of Florida, says, "The emergence of a novel pathogen in the form of a medical anesthesiologist dealing with vector-borne pathogens is a scenario that we really care about." They talk about climate change and shifting weather patterns - hot fronts and excessive rains at those places which were light and relatively dry - and these factors can lead mosquitoes to new areas. "Anything that changes the habitat, where a mosquito resides, it can lead it to feed new hosts," he says, people mean, but wild and domestic animals too.

Various hosts carry different viruses, and they can be interconnected inside a mosquito and generate novel pathogens. "Those types of recombinant viruses come from anywhere and they are likely to be highly contagious like Ebola," he explains. "And the type of virus that has the capability to combine - we do not even know them all." It is not a matter of emerging one of these new viruses. They will say, Day says. The relevant question is where and when it will be and the consequences will be horrific.

Diseases Tied to Nanoparticle-Induced Immune System Toxicity

Nanoparticles are almost infinitesimal biological and synthetic materials, and they are now used in everything from medicines to food die. While nanoparticles now play a lifeboat in some form tablet medical tests and treatments, research suggests that they may have "immunotoxic" effects - the human immune function can turn into an unexpected (and largely unstable) waze. According to a 2014 study by Texas A & M University, "Nanoparticles can interact with various components of the immune system and can either increase or stop its work."

More research indicates that Nanoparticles have the ability to induce swelling and they can overcome cell obstructions and harm the DNA within the "privileged sites" in the body. One study has also tied Nanoparticles used in food additives to increase symptoms in people with inflammatory bowel disease. It is possible that widespread use of Nanoparticles and as a result, human risk can increase new inflammatory conditions or current rates, or Crohn's disease can cause arthritis and diabetes.

Technology-Induced Dysphoria

The psychological term "dysphoria" refers to the general state of anxiety, restlessness or dissatisfaction of life. There is a good deal of speculative speculation at present, for some, heavy usage of personal and mobile technologies (i.e. smartphone) is causing disorientation or anxiety. The incorporation of more powerful and more aggressive technologies can increase some of these effects.

Gary Small, Professor of Gary Small, MD, Psychiatry and Biochemistry, says, "The challenge with all these new techniques is that they are interrupting our thinking and communication methods, and we do not have its long-term impact Know. " David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA He points to "Stacko" quality of online conversation and communication - to jump from work to work or to go to the site from the site, never to stop thinking about the deep meaning or to remove it.

The incorporation of more powerful and more aggressive technologies can increase some of these effects.

New, Uncontained Types of Influenza

Between 1918 and 1919, a form of the H1N1 flu subtype killed 100 million people worldwide. That type of catastrophe is still possible and can be one of the most frustrating reasons. "A large part of our job is now rumored management - or trying to combat false or misleading rumors with real information," says McClelland.

She explains that, during the early stages of the outbreak, prevention is often possible if the affected community and public health officials can live on the same page. But more and more, such coordination is foiled by the lack of information and lack of confidence. "Breakdown between the population and the governments and the media has become a big issue for us," she says. "In West Africa, we have already seen conspiracies that scientists have created outbreaks, or it was not real, or there were rumors about the side effects of the vaccine which were not true."

Misinformation often travels faster than legitimate information, she says, "And at this time we are seeing this belief not only in low-literacy communities, but in countries where Internet rumors and conspiracy theories are very much Spread rapidly. " As a result of public unbelief and Internet-rumored rumors, a new and dangerous form of influenza will emerge.

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